While searching for some articles online, I stumbled upon this website, which looked familiar…And then I remembered, it was my blog before! Can’t believe 8 years has passed since we made an attempt to visit, understand, and promote historical sites in the Philippines.

I hurriedly tried to log in but obviously, I already forgot my password. Thankfully, I was able to trace the email I used to create this blog. “So what now?” I wondered. Should I just shut it down or should I try to continue this blog?

Since 2009, I was able to finish two graduate degrees, travel and participate in field work here and abroad and still continue my passion for archaeology, history, and culture. Last December 2016, I resigned from my university job to “rest” and maybe explore other careers. But I guess this passion still flows in my blood. I just can’t stop thinking about Philippine history, how much we don’t know and how little our voice is.

Maybe I should continue posting on this blog no? Generations from now, (if internet is still there) I hope a young student like me would stumble in this blog and make sense of how beautiful our past is.